Cafè Gutenberg

This radically low-cost transformation of the old canteen into the new social core of the Campus builds its new identity and aesthetic imagery by characterizing the supply, service and environmental comfort infrastructure.

Following the initiative that we started in 2018 consisting in making surgical interventions to deeply transform the Campus dynamics, the Gutenberg Café will replace the old canteen and become the new node for socialisation.

The proposal seeks a double aim:

-Create a completely new identity and imagery for a space that even having a privilege location inside the campus was deeply stigmatized because of its luck of comfort and spatial quality

-Accomplish aim one with a minimal budget

The design strategy focusses on achieving a maximum functional and environmental comfort, both climatic, luminous and acoustic using passive and bioclimatic solutions as much as possible and, by doing so, build a completely new identity for the site.

All the elements and material solutions are strictly infrastructural: fans, lamps, cable trays, projected acoustic absorbing treatment on the ceiling, furniture, glazed ceramic and technical ceiling on the kitchen area, sliding windows to provide natural ventilation. The only non-purely infrastructural element is the neon sign with the name of the space: Café Gutemberg. The naming makes part of the project, and it is a relevant decision. In terms of function, the space works more as a canteen than as a bar, but the fact of calling it Café will have a double impact: one the one hand, it will reinforce the identity of the space as a gathering-meeting space in the Campus. On the other hand, adding Guttemberg (the same name as the central square in the Campus), will create a strong link with the square, the natural terrace of the Café, increasing its urban character.

Two different areas, delimitated by the structural columns of the building, define the space. The larger one, in direct relation with the square is an open space where the fourniture -benches, recycled high and low tables and chairs- organizes the uses. The smaller one, a linear space separated form the main one by a row of columns, groups all the service areas. The two areas are clearly differentiated by their chromatic and material qualities. The main area remains raw, except the ceiling, that contains all the elements that will provide a comfortable atmosphere: fans, lights and acoustic treatment. The smaller area -the private and public kitchen- is coated (floor and ceiling) with glazed clay tiles and (ceiling) a technical metal grid that hides the climate and ventilation ducts.

The project has been designed to guarantee a passive climatic comfort 8 months per year, based on insulation, inertia and crossed ventilation. The ceiling fans will help to provide a comfortable feeling temperature in the hottest days in June and July.

Cafè Gutenberg

Project duration: 2024-In progress
Promotor: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Type: Educational
Area: 450 m2
Budget: 0,3 M €
Site: Barcelona, Spain
Design team: Oriol Vives and Pau Garrofé
Collaborators: E3G (MEP), I2A (acoustics) and Atis – Xavier Solà (quantity surveyor)